CompTIA A+ Certification Program

The CompTIA A+ Certification Program is an industry-leading technical course that hones essential IT skills for troubleshooting and problem-solving.

CompTIA A+ certified, sitting in front of a laptop and working on it while there are computer or IT-related hardware in the background.
CompTIA A+ Certification
CompTIA A+ certified, sitting in front of a laptop and working on it while there are computer or IT-related hardware in the background.
Min Training Cost: $1899.00
Max Training Cost: $41940.00
Min Training Duration: 60 hrs.
Max Training Duration: 200 hrs.
Starting Salary per hour: $27.84/hr.
Starting Salary per year: $57910/yr.
Number of jobs, 2020 : 875700
Percentage of Job outlook 2020-2030 : 6%
Schools with CompTIA A+ Certification Program
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